Well, yeah, it might be a scam (I'm not sure).
And here is some source that found from the forum I frequently visit.
I recently received an email from a guy called Adrian Pana with the following link:
Out of curiosity, I emailed him on how he got me address and why should I trust him on the above sale items. To my suprise, he replied me:
" I contacted the agents from eBay, I entered the live chat! I can not send the item first. I have a good feedback too! This is my ebay user: lucianoz2004 . Please tell me in which user you are interested !
I will wait your email
Thank You !!!"
So, naturally I messaged the ebay user ID above to get more info and at the same time, I asked this Adrian fler to provide me with his address so I can do a COD.
Well... the fler din reply ( he was very responsive earlier).
Now, so all my friends here know, I am quite sure this is a scam, so beware!
Those LEGO sets in the pic look too tempting to be true!!!!
I am trying to find a way to see whether I could lodge a report to the italian authorities..
So, I'm here to ask you guys keep your eyes open especially those that have account in Ebay.
This guys is trying to help us maybe. So just beware if some approaches you.
This guys say that he sold all his set in order to pay for his son head operation. But his son sure looks healthy in the pic and such operation gonna needs a big sum of money, and not that little.
This is what he wrote in the About Me detail:
Benvenuto al mio Web site !
Il mio nome è Adrian Pana e vivo a Roma, Italia. Sto vendendo la mia accumulazione di lego per raccogliere i fondi necessari per il mio figlio che sta andando passare con un intervento di chirurgia sul suo cervello. Voglio vendere urgentemente gli articoli, questo sono la ragione per la quale non li ho elencati su eBay! Li trasmetto internationaly che per mezzo dell'UPS, io pagherò le tasse di trasporto.
Se gradite uno dei miei articoli, selo metta in contatto con prego al seguente email address: my_lego_collection@yahoo.com
Grazie ancora e spero che godiate della mia accumulazione !
Welcome to my web-site !
My name is Adrian Pana and I live in Rome, Italy. I am selling my lego collection to raise the neccessary money for my son who is going to pass through an surgery intervention on his brain. I want to sell the items urgently, this is the reason why I did not list them on eBay! I send them internationaly using UPS, I will pay the shipping taxes.
If you like one of my items, please contact me at the following e-mail address: my_lego_collection@yahoo.com
Thank you again, and I hope you enjoy my collection !
I bet he can sell them a few hours after listing them in Ebay as it was such a great deal.
I contacted another seller of lego at a great price.He advertised the lego from Nigeria "the capital of scams",but he didn't denied it,and even his phonenumber,IP address,and his business checked out.He called me later,from his shop's number and didn't even tried to push me into the deal.I don't know,might risk $200.What if it's real?
Is best not to deal with him like you said, Nigeria "the capital of scams". I do got some people from Nigeria trying to buy stuff from me last time with an interesting story of course.
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