So I left out coverage for upcoming Indiana Jones sets. Well, Indiana Jones is still as interesting as the previous release sets. They all looks good to me as there are a lot of new minifig. Below are the details about them:

#7195 Ambush in Cairo
Piece: 79
Price: 10.99USD
Release: August

#7196 Chauchilla Cemetery Battle
Piece: 187
Price: 19.99USD
Release: August

#7197 Venice Canal Chase
Piece: 420
Price: 39.99USD
Release: August

#7198 Fighter Plane Attack
Piece: 384
Price: 49.99USD
Release: August

#7199 The Temple of Doom
Piece: 652
Price: 89.99USD
Release: August
I've got to say, I like all the sets except that #7198 Fighter Plane Attack. It looks nothing special to me. For #7195 Ambush in Cairo, I would say it has a lot of minifig, just like Star Wars Battle Pack, four minifig in a small set and quite a number of accessories included too.
As for,
#7196 Chauchilla Cemetery Battle, we get a new color dirt bike, also include us with new minifigs and the Crystal Skull headpiece. So there is at least a chance for people to own one of this special skele head.
Well, for #7197 Venice Canal Chase the pieces seems to be more than #7198 Fighter Plane Attack but is cheaper than Fighter Plane Attack set, most probably the pieces are small. Besides, it has more minifigure than #7198 Fighter Plane Attack and all of them are new while #7198 Fighter Plane Attack minifig, you most probably already have them from Indiana Jones Motorcycle Chase.
As above mentioned, you know that I do not like #7198 Fighter Plane Attack, but the design of the plane itself looks good. Guess is best for me to wait for a review being put up only judge it.
#7199 The Temple of Doom is nothing but a set of roller coaster tracks with traps. But anyway, with the new villain minifig you will forget about the cons. I was expecting something more from this set, something like the open hole that send the scarifice goodbye. But well, is a highly demanded set that collector are asking for and I guess it should turn out fine.
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