Images from LEGO website.
Thursday, December 31, 2009
LEGO Toy Story
Images from LEGO website.
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
LEGO Hero Factory
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
New LEGO Star Wars Available at LEGO Shop@Home
Images from LEGO website.
LEGO Atlantis Available at LEGO Shop@Home
USD 6.99
#8057 Wreck Raider
64 pieces
USD 9.99
#8058 Guardian of the Deep
144 pieces
USD 14.99
#8059 Seabed Scavenger
119 pieces
USD 14.99
#8060 Thypoon Turbo Sub
197 pieces
USD 24.99
#8061 Gateway of the Squid
354 pieces
USD 39.99
#8075 Neptune Carrier
476 pieces
USD 59.99
#8072 Sea Jet
23 pieces
USD 3.49
#8073 Manta Warrior
13 pieces
USD 3.49
EDIT: Pictures removed due to copyright infringement
Thursday, December 24, 2009
LEGO 2010 Theme
- Kingdom, a theme replacing Castle,
- World Racers, some racing theme with minifigs,
-also an unknown theme, which I'm not sure of the theme that will replace Bionicle,
and other theme that we already know like Ben10, Prince of Persia, Toy Story, Atlantis.
LEGO Prince of Persia #7573
It include seven minifigs and a camel and the set looks good too.
Image from Eurobricks.
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
More LEGO Toy Story Pictures
*Pictures removed on the request of TLG.
Images from Flickr.
More LEGO Star Wars 2010 Pictures
*Pictures remove on the request of TLG.
Images from Flickr.
Monday, December 14, 2009
LEGO Atlantis #8075 Neptune Carrier Picture

This is another 3 in one vehicle TLG make again. It do seems good on the box, but looks a little strange on the complete model. For more images, please visit Reasonably Clever Chris's Flickr gallery.
Image from Flickr.
LEGO Atlantis #8061 Gateway of the Squid Pictures

All I can say is that the minifigs is awesome, with open door playability while turning the key. For more pictures, please visit: Reasonably Clever Chris's Flickr gallery
Image from Flickr.
Sunday, December 13, 2009
LEGO Atlantis #8057 Wreck Raider Picture

For more images, please visit:
Reasonably Clever Chris's Flickr gallery
Image from Flickr.
LEGO Atlantis Impulse #8072 Sea Jet and #8073 Manta Warrior Picture
Both the impulse certainly looks good, but #8073 Manta Warrior seems to be a little more pricey, maybe because of the unique headgear LEGO made. However, it is the cheapest set to get a Manta.
Anyway, Atlantis theme seems to be pretty interesting and appealing.
Images from Flickr.
LEGO Ben10 #8411 ChromaStone Picture

This image was taken from Reasonably Clever Chris's Flickr and he regret getting it.
Image from Flickr.
LEGO Star Wars #8085 Freeco Speeder Picture

First, we get the Talz Chief, and second, Anakin have both side of the head printed and I suppose the minifig, especially the Talz will fetch a good price. The Freeco speeder looks solid and heavy too.
For more images, please visit:
Reasonably Clever Chris's Flickr
Image from Flickr.
LEGO City Impulse #7567 Traveler Picture

Image from Flickr.
LEGO Star Wars #8084 Snowtrooper Battle Pack Picture

At least there is a few things I like from this battle pack, except for the platform. A nice speederbike is included, and a new AT-AT pilot and Officer too.
For more images, please visit:
Reasonably Clever Chris's Flickr
Image from Flickr.
LEGO Star Wars #8083 Rebel Trooper Battle Pack Picture

For more images of this set, please visit:
Reasonably Clever Chris's Flickr
Image from Flickr.
Saturday, December 12, 2009
LEGO Star Wars #8091 Republic Swamp Speeder Images
LEGO Star Wars #8092 Luke's Landspeeder

Images from
Friday, December 11, 2009
LEGO Star Wars #8091 Republic Swamp Speeder

This might be a good chance to own a swamp speeder if you do own Wookie Catamaran before. It might seems fake especially the background and Jedi but we are expecting Barris. As you can see, there will be two Battle Droid and a Super Battle Droid included . Also it seems to be an exclusive set. Pictures can be seen from 2010 catalog.
Image from Eurobricks.
LEGO Star Wars #8088 ARC-170 Starfighter Hi-res box art

This set is up in Toy'R'Us website too, but still not available. See it HERE.
Image from FBTB's Flickr.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
LEGO Toy Story #7595 Army Men On Patrol and #7590 Woody and Buzz to the Rescue
Anyway, some lucky guy already have them, which is #7595 Army Men On Patrol and #7590 Woody and Buzz to the Rescue. Below are the images:
It seems like Woody come assemble in a different pack of bricks and so do Buzz Lightyear body parts. Luckily, they can be separated. I guess collector are going for the minifigs which is unique compare to other minifigs.
For more images, please visit:
Lego Builds's Flickr
EDIT: Sets available at Schaumburg, IL Lego Discovery Center
Images from Flickr.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
LEGO Star Wars #8087 TIE Defender

The pictures might turn out helpful if you hesitate to get one of this. Well, the new pilot minifig is cool and of course, the clear pictures makes it looks details.
For more pictures, please visit:
Lumix's Brickshelf folder
There's some comparison images over there.
Images from Brickshelf.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Bionicle Stars

They are each sold at USD 7.99 or CAD10.99. IF you would like to build the so call Golden Bionicle, You have to purchase all of them to get some golden parts.
Here's the link to all six Bionicle Stars.
Image from LEGO website.
LEGO Space Police 2010

USD 19.99
188 pieces
Images from LEGO website.
Three Atlantis set is up at LEGO Shop@Home
To sell three set, please visit HERE.
Guess this new theme will make a great gift during Christmas and of course, for the collector, is a piece of good news.
Images from LEGO website.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Upclose with LEGO Clone Pilot
LEGO CITY Impulse 2010, #7566 and #7567
And #7567 some guy with a lot of bag and a camera, but he is wearing the delivery guy outfit (anyway, this picture are prelim and the torso might change in future), no idea who he is, a delivery guy or a traveler.
Farm Impulse
Delivery guy / traveler Impulse
Thanks to Tisen PL Flickr gallery, we get to see most of the 2010 sets, a very clear picture I mean.
Source from Tisen PL's Flickr.
Monday, November 30, 2009
More LEGO Star Wars 2010 Images
It seems like all those rebel got new headgear, instead of only one with new headgear according to Amazon. The minifigs is amazing!

I looks better compare to the previous version, and it gives more minifig than the previous version too and is a good chance to own one of this if missed out the previous version.
Images from Eurobricks.
LEGO Collectable Minifigs Image

We got Zombie minifig too, what a surprise. I can see a lot of cool new stuff there like the robot headgear, clown hair, pom pom. Pretty cool eh?
According to Brickset, it will be release on June 2010 and will last only about two months before they are out and another new figs are coming.
Image from Eurobricks.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
#10210 Imperial Flagship Review
Here's the link to the review: Eurobricks
While here's the link to the gallery: Flickr
Image from Flickr.
The End of Bionicle
This however, do not end everything, the Bionicle story will still continues. Below are article extracted from BZP:
Article from BZP.Dear BIONICLE Fans,
In reviewing the business across all of its play patterns and properties, the LEGO Group faced a tough question: should we take on a new creative challenge in the world of buildable figures that we pioneered in 2001?
BIONICLE re-invented the way consumers think of and play with the LEGO system. Through many chapters of compelling story and innovative product development, BIONICLE became a very strong property and an important part of The LEGO Group’s business. We think there is a significant opportunity to grow the buildable figure category, but it will take a more flexible platform that appeals to a wider range of ages through a variety of different entry points than BIONICLE has proven to deliver.
The easy decision would be to stick with a known entity in BIONICLE; but as history has proven, The LEGO Group achieves its greatest success by embracing the uncertainty that innovation brings. After all, BIONICLE almost never launched because it was such a big risk to the company’s way of doing business.
Because you have been such an important part of building the BIONICLE franchise and have been among its most valued fans, we are writing to tell you that the six BIONICLE Stars launching in January will be the last BIONICLE sets for the foreseeable future. Beginning in summer 2010, The LEGO Group will debut a new, more flexible buildable figure property created by the same people who brought you BIONICLE. At the same time, we are also expanding the category to appeal to a younger audience through an established third-party property, starting in January.
Since its beginning, BIONICLE has reflected the union of great product and a compelling story. Although there presently are no plans for more sets, the BIONICLE story is not ending. will remain an active site, with new story content updated by long-time BIONICLE writer Greg Farshtey. In addition, LEGO Group hopes to work with you, the fans, to continue to grow and expand the BIONICLE story universe.
This was an extremely difficult decision for all involved. But as seen in the tales of the Toa, striving for success in any mission requires imagination, new ways of thinking, and the willingness to take risks. We hope you will share the same level of enthusiasm we have for our plans for the buildable figure category.
We invite you to remain a part of the BIONICLE universe—a universe you have helped to build, and that we are confident that you will continue to build—in the future. Thank you for your continued support and dedication to the BIONICLE and LEGO brands.
With our very best regards,
Jan Faltum, Global BIONICLE Director
Lincoln Armstrong, Senior Brand Manager, BIONICLE Team Member since 2002
Sunday, November 22, 2009
LEGO Collectable Minifigure
- each (one) minifig are randomly pack
- contains 16 kind of minifigs
- each box are of the same design and we do not know which minifig we are getting as we can't see inside.
This one is different from Vintage Minifigure Collection as the come one by one instead of five per set and we don't know which minifig we will be getting. Guess this is another LEGO new marketing strategy to make us buy more of it's product.
There are no images available yet however, and also the price is unknown, hope TLC give a reasonable price to it.
It will release here, Malaysia in May 2010.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
LEGO Power Miners 2010 Box Art
LEGO Star Wars 2010 Battle Pack Box Art
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
LEGO Star Wars 2010 Box Art

396 pieces
As for the commander droid, there are just an extra printing on the head and the torso. But since I miss the old version Droid Tri-Fighter, I might be getting one.
Everything seems good to me except #8087 TIE Defender, maybe because of the small cockpic in the middle of those big wings. Also I'm not sure whether the Imperial Pilot using new helmet or not.
As for #8088 ARC-170 Starfigher, we get new Clone Pilot helmet, and I suppose one of them are Captain Jag. If you miss the previous release, it is time to get one now. But why Kit Fisto???
Images from Amazon.
LEGO Atlantis Box Art
Images from Amazon.