Monday, November 3, 2008

New LEGO forum

Brickland is a new LEGO forum created for all the LEGO fans in Malaysia to post their thoughts on the upcoming sets or even make a review. Other than that, some collector can also sell off their sets to other collector who wants them in that forum. That forum is still new and not much people have join it, hopefully you guys will join the forum to make it even more active.

The forum is in English but I don't think it will mind if you spoke broken english as long as everyone can understand it.

Press the 'Brickland word' below and it will link you to the forum:

Brickland Forum

The forum is a free forum so don't expect much from it and for those who want to take a look at #7675 AT-TE, the link below will link you to the pictorial review at Brickland Forum:

#7675 AT-TE Walker Pictorial Review

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