Wednesday, November 5, 2008

LEGO Star Wars 2009 Rumors

Before the January LEGO Star Wars is release, there are already some news or maybe rumors even speculation done on the August LEGO Star Wars set. The rumors might be true and I hope that it is true too as it was a list of great set. Below are the list of 2009 LEGO Star Wars set:

7748 Corporate Alliance Tank Droid™
7749 Echo Base™

8038 Endor Battle Playset
8037 Y-Wing (Clone Wars version)
8039 Venator-class Republic Attack Cruiser™

Some say the list has been confirm but some doubt that it will come true. A Venator Class seems promising as LEGO has manage to build a Star Destroyer before and after long time of waiting the Endor set is making a come back. Guess this will be the chance where I get my hand on those Scout Trooper.

For the Clone Wars version of Y-Wing you guys can see them in the new Star Wars Clone Wars series, I suppose it is shown in episode 3.

Sorry though, as there are no pictures to confirm this yet.

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