For Bionicle fans out there, looks like Bionicle have a complicated world with many small island. The language are Poland language. Below are the map of Bionicle world and some translation:
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Here's the translation:
Wszechświat Bionicle - Bionicle Universe
Ponad Metru nui - above Metru Nui
Morskie wrota - sea gate
Północny kontynent - Northern continent
Wyspa Tren Kroma - Tren Krom's Island
Południowy Kontynent - Southern continent
Pod spodem kontynentu - under the continent
Rzeka Tren Kroma - Tren Krom River
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Hidden Islands:
(On the left)
Mata Nui - localized right above Metru Nui. The Great Cataclysm has created the passage between those two islands. Matorans lived on Mata Nui until Takanuva beat Teridax, and as Takutanuva opened the gate in Mangai.
Karda Nui - "The Core of The Universe" is lying right beneath the Southern Continent. However, it is not part of the Continent - It's in a dome, of which the Continent is the roof.
Mahri Nui - fragment of Voya Nui, which was torn off during GC. It sank in the waters of The Pit, right below Voya Nui. Mahri Nui was later completely destroyed, as a result of Voya Nui coming back to become part of The Continent once more.
(On the right)
Wyspa Keetongu - Keetongu's Island.
General Information
Matoran Universe consists of many domes of different sizes, connected with each other. Inside them are two great continents, and many other inhabited, or uninhabited islands, surrounded by silver sea of liquid protodermis. Most of known races live in the northern part of the universe, while Southern Continent is inhabited only by few thousand Matoran. The other races include Makuta, Skakdi, Vortix and Zyglak. Southern regions of the universe hasn't been discovered by the Matoran yet. It is said, that there are many odd lands, inhabited by unknown beings. The southernmost known part of the universe is the island of Artidax. What lies further, is still a mystery.
Sources from BZPower.