Saturday, March 15, 2014

LEGO Star Wars #75040 General Grievous’ Wheel Bike Review

I never owned a General Grievous’ Wheel Bike before but I guess the previous version that is released in year 2005 is the only one that comes with a cape for General Greivous. We can see big improvement to Grievous minifigure since then. Below pictures are taken from FBTB:

For me that have not own this set before, I really cannot said much, but I do like the current one. It gives me the solid kind of feel. But there is one thing that is missing here, the ride for Obi-Wan which was included in the previous version. For those that Do not have Clone Wars General Grievous which the price was seriously something, this is the time to get him. This set is currently selling at RM140 locally as well, not sure if is a increase or decrease of price if compare to the previous version where during that time it was hard to find LEGO playset here.

Images from FBTB.  

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