Monday, June 17, 2013

LEGO Star Wars #75015 Corporate Alliance Tank Droid Review

Other than MTT and AT-AT this is one of the tank like droid that I like. I have not really owned this set yet but the main attraction in this set is pretty much the Jango Fett minifigs which have not make appearance in LEGO playset for 11 years. Image below are taken from Brickset review:

75015 Corporate Alliance Tank Droid

According to the review the new tank droid is bigger compare to the one of Clone Wars version. If you are building droid army, you might want to snap a couple of this set and you will have a lot of Jango Fett. But hey, this is a good set to get the wheel tread.

Link to the review is right below the picture.

Image from Brickset.

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