Saturday, January 26, 2013

LEGO Ninjago #70500 Kai's Fire Mech Review

Here's another review posted in Brickset I think a couple of days ago, which is on one of the latest and smallest playset from the Ninjago theme, #70500 Kai's Fire Mech. Picture below are taken from Brickset:

70500 Kai's Fire Mech from above

This is one small and neatly design mech, in other words, my eyes like how this mech looks though sticker are needed. The two new minifigs looks pretty nice to me as well, nice prints and something to collect again. But am a bit sad to see the parts from Hero Factory starting to go into the other playset. Which is a no no for me.

Link to the review is right below the picture.

Image from Brickset.

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