Sunday, August 26, 2012

1st Avenue Penang Brick Carnival

Yesterday, I went to 1st Avenue to see the Brick Carnival. There seems to be a few activity before this bur a few of them ended today. Anyway, I was there for the display only.

I can said this place was hidden and if you do not pay enough attention you might miss it. I thought I was too late and everything is gone, but hey, they were there when I walk further to the back. The display were at South Atrium, lower ground level. There were a few tables there for people to play with LEGO, and there are three display case there.

 Next is the display of Super Heroes set, all of the the Super Heroes sets released to date were on display and it seems crowded inside. But is defnitely is something nice to see, especially those that you do not owned them. How I wished the set were nicely separated from each other so we can have a good view of them. The display will be there until 2nd September. Just in case you are interested, there are still time. But I would say there are nothing much to see.

Next are the two display that can win you Super Hero prizes. All you need to do is to count and count. Terms and conditions apply, as usual. I got no idea what the prize would be or what are we suppose to spot, seems confusing. No idea if further instructions were given to those that are participating. Count the flags they said, not sure about the two giant flags is included.


The last one was the shop hunt display, we need to list down 20 names of the shops or brand that you can find in the mini city display. No idea if this is limited to the the names of the shops and brand that appear in 1st Avenue only or otherwise. I think I saw Dr. Pepper in there.

These are all the coverage I have.  Go have a look if you happen to drop by there, you can forget it if you don't happen to go there. Purposely went there for the display is a waste of effort. But you can see a few of discontinued model in the city.

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