Wednesday, February 15, 2012

New York Toy Fair LEGO Super Heroes Exclusive

Last year SDCC we have exclusive Green Lantern and Batman release, and Superman in New York Fair. In this year New york Toy Fair, we get Ironman and Captain America as the exclusive minifigs. Picture below taken from FBTB:

Both of the minifigs looks great, and this Ironman sure is different form the one in playset. But all look good after all. Now Batman and Green Lantern fetch a high price already, this no doubt is selling at a crazy price too.

Image from FBTB.


  1. Hey you want to trade this for Azog
    sdcc exclusive and other ultra rare minifigures, just text me, my # is 224 216 2629

  2. Sorry Isaac, I do not own any SDCC exclusive minifigs :(

  3. Ok, well what would you trade this for? SORRY about these questions.
