Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Brickset Minifigures Gallery

It all started this year that Brickset start to snap pictures of minifigs from different theme and uploaded them in Brickset. At first, I don't feel like blogging about Brickset Minifigures Gallery as I assume frequent visitor will know about it but as they continue to upload all the nice pictures of the minifigures, I just can't resist myself posting a news about the minifigures gallery.

Robot from Minifigures Series 1

So far they got more than 16 different kinds of theme uploaded and I'm looking forward for more from them as the pictures are just wonderful. Above picture are the latest one of the latest pictures that are uploaded at Brickset although pictures from Minifigures Series 3 is up a day or two before this one.

I've added the link to the minifigures gallery at the side bar and for quick link just click HERE.

Image from Brickset.

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