Tuesday, February 15, 2011

LEGO Alien Conquest Pictures

This is another new space theme from LEGO this year and the design of the space ship are getting better. But  the theme seems to be lacking of something although they do have new waepon. Below are pictures taken from FBTB's Flickr:

42 pieces
The smallest seems useful if you just want to buy the theme for fun and collect some of the minifigs. But I think is a good set to buy as two minifigs are included.

105 pieces
The defender do looks good, but maybe the back need some modification as I do like the design at the front of the vehicle. A small alien spaceship as target shooting practice seems good too.

166 pieces
There is this Alien pet in this set, and I suppose at the back of the tripod can carry a minifigs, otherwise the pet. Like the way the design it as there are space to store the captured human.

211 pieces
I heard people say there's a light function underneath this UFO to add the playability and make it a bit real for UFO abduction. The design of the UFO seems awesome.

416 pieces
This mothership comes with a sound effect when you spin the ring manually with your hand. I guess this is more or less the playability for now.

879 pieces
The HQ looks good just that I do not like the way the launching pad was install on the roof of the truck or else I'm so getting this set. Overall it still looks good, maybe own modification is needed for me.

375 pieces
The two mini alien fighter looks good in this set (which I think they have new windscreen piece) although I do not like the main vehicle in this set which is the jet-copter.

Name of the set are link to the photo set which contains more pictures for your viewing.

Images from Flickr.

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