Saturday, December 11, 2010

LEGO Star Wars 2011 Hi-Res Pictures

Just in case you are looking for hi-res pictures of LEGO Star Wars 2011, you might want to visit HERE to see what's your favorite set include. I guess most of us would like to confirm about the minifigure and the look of the new minifigures. Below are a few pictures of the minifigs taken from KimT's Flickr:

Looks very nice eh. It seems like all four Mandalorian comes with back pack too. Guess those are sets that are not to be missed especially when it comes with all new attractive minifigures. I do know some of you might not like them but some are pretty much looking forward to them.

Also on the other hand, if you would like to see the real Clone Troopers from the battle pack, please click HERE.

Image from Flickr.

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