Wednesday, November 25, 2009

#10210 Imperial Flagship Review

A Eurobricks member, Svelte who is a lucky guy as he manage to get this #10210 Imperial Flagship early and the good news is that, he have put up a review in Eurobricks. Anyway it is a cool ship everyone would like to own.

Since we are all curious about the set, it is best that there is a review for us to refer to before we make any purchase, but still this ship is bigger than the one Brickbeard own.

Here's the link to the review: Eurobricks

While here's the link to the gallery: Flickr

Image from Flickr.


  1. This set is so cool. I want it...
    When will we have this in Malaysia?

  2. No idea though. Estimated to reach here January, but with new policy they might be later.
