Saturday, September 19, 2009

LEGO Pirates to be put ot rest by mid 2010.

As above topic, it shock me that this theme discontinued so fast and of course it will be a sad news for Pirates theme fans. So is a great time to start stock up your pirates set, whether it is tic tac toe set, chess set, battle pack or even the playset. So you guys will always have some set to be play with.

And here's what Steve Witt from LEGO community says:
Just so you know, Pirates isn't gone its on hiatus like every other line that isn't one of our primary themes: CASTLE, SPACE, and CITY

Pirates isn't going away, its just not going to be a constant theme. Its going to phase in and out just like every other theme that isn't one of those three. Everyone is freaking out just a bit too much on this one and I just wanted to reassure you guys that pirates isn't disappearing. Just taking a break


Article extracted from Eurobricks.

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