Sunday, September 6, 2009

#8400 Space Speeder

Finally, more new sets have hit the shore but I only can afford this small little puny set at the moment and here's the review of #8400 Space Speeder.

Theme: Space Police III
Name : Space Speeder
S/N : #8400
Year : 2009
Pieces : 14
Minifig : 1
Price : RM17.90, SGD6.90, USD3.49, GBP1.95

Now we get a pretty cool box art, especially the background with the dark tone. While on the side of it shown us the exact scale of the minifigs and the back of the box are just words.

As expected from impulse set, there are always made up of few pieces. So in this small box are one bag of bricks and an instruction sheet, which included the bricks serial number at the side of the building step. Not much advertisement on the instrction sheet anymore though, just show us some impulse sets pictures.

As for the minifigs, it is cool as we get the new headgear and printed leg and printed on both side torso. But too bad, LEGO didn't gives us a visor for it.

The space speeder is a failure, it was badly design and ugly looking but what more can we expect from an impulse set. Anyway, the only function of this speeder is folding the handle.
Guess his butt will got burn mark.

Lucky for us to get some extra parts and here's the completed set picture.

Check out my cool new speeder. Heheh.

Playability: 5/10 . Given to minifigs and the folding funtions only.
Design : 4/10 The design of the speeder is ugly .
Price : 8/10 The price are acceptable.
Overall: 6/10 Nice headgear.


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