Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Star Wars MOCs

I've saw some interesting MOC that I would like to share with you guys. You guys might be interested with them too. Here's a T3-B Heavy Attack Tank from Artizan:

This creation looks pretty accurate and I like it. So I suppose Rebel fans would definitely interested with this MOC. Besides, this MOC is up for a contest from Artizan in Eurobricks.
To see a little bit more picture, log on to:
Artizan's Flickr Gallery

While here's another creation by pedrocon, AV-7 Anti-vehicle Cannon:

So far this is the best one I've seen. Pretty nice.
To see more pictures of this, log on to:
pedrocon's Brickshelf Gallery

Images from Flickr and Brickshelf.

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