Thursday, March 5, 2009

Mini AT-TE in Brick Master

So there will be a mini AT-TE (All Terrain Tactical Enforcer) give away with the Brickmaster Magazine subscription. Of course, this AT-TE is Clone Wars version and it looks way better than the previous one. I guess this AT-TE will not be very small after all.

Looks like LEGO is creating more and more nice LEGO Star Wars mini scale model as a give away for Brickmaster Magazine subscriber. Actually the Venator Class Attack Cruiser itself looks very nice.

For those unlucky mini-scale collector who can't subscribe Brickmaster Magazine most probably can drop by at Bricklink to get a set for yourself when they are been given away.

Image from Brickshelf.


  1. It looks so squishy... like a bug :P

  2. Yea, but looks better than the previous one and this one is free.
