Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year 2009

First of all, Happy New Year to all LEGO fans, I guess this year LEGO fans will be real happy as there are old theme like Pirates is back. Other than that, LEGO has made a lot of improvement in the past year. Well, let's flash back what LEGO has brought us last year.

In the past year, LEGO brought us a new licensed theme, Indiana Jones, and the set seems to sell well too. Other than that, LEGO releases the Kingdom of Crystal Skull sets during the release of the movie. Although the Indiana Jones minifigs looks the same in all the set, but the set itself have a high playability. Now, LEGO release Indiana Jones minifig in a different outfit so that the fans do not get bored.

Star Wars itself has gone into expanded universe, with the released of Anakin's Jedi Starfighter and Rogue Shadow. Also there are a lot of new minifigure release during the past year for this theme, such as new Rebel Trooper, battle-damaged Darth Vader and etc. Later, LEGO bring releases sets from the Clone Wars universe which again promise us an awesome set and minifigs.

Besides that, Batman theme also have four new sets released which include the recently popular Batman's vehicle, the Tumbler. Furthermore, there are also new minifig release for this theme, Harley Quinn which has a clown looking hat. Thanks to the new release of Dark Knight movie.

City theme started with the release of new subtheme, Cargo, featuring mail vehicle which eventually lead to mail services to the LEGO community fulfil some the city builder needs. Other than that, the police team also got a bigger headquaters and a bigger command truck. Later, the Coast Guard team comes into rescue which made the LEGO city more realistic.

Other than that, LEGO also brought back a team of secret agents, the Agents theme, which is pretty much similar to the Alpha Team features a group of secret agents trying to stop the evil Dr. Inferno with his evil plan with a hi-tech gadgets. Again, all the set in this theme looks promising as there are high playability, especially Mission 6 Mobile Command Center.

As for Castle, the journey continue with two brand new faction introduced, the Troll and the Dwarve. The theme itself might not be as good as the 2007 release but still there are some set which manage to attract the collectors attention, the Dwarves' Mine.

For space theme, Mars Mission which is a little similar with Life On Mars has bring in some interesting design and a new minifigs, the Alien Commando. With the new space craft, mech and vehicle, it will leave us a sweet memories of space theme as this will be the last year for Mars Mission. But new space theme wil be release again in the near future.

While for Bionicle theme, the theme that kids love the most, also has made a great debut. With the new idea that Matoran can be attached to the Toa's back, it definitely is a creative idea and LEGO itself also created vehicle for them again. Although the story line has a bad ending but it still continues in this year storyline, what a long life theme Bionicle is.

Exo-Force, a theme made base on a mecha has come to an end in 2008 as a result of the poor sales that the theme made in 2007. With the previous release of 7 sets jungle-based design mecha, it has mark an end to the theme.

As for the future, we can see another not really new theme has been introduce to us by LEGO, the Power Miners theme (which kind of like Rock Raiders) which features a group of cute evil rock monters and a group of crystal miners. Hopefully LEGO will bring us much more interesting set in the future.

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