Wednesday, December 10, 2008

LEGO Pirates Comic Artist

The artist for the Pirates comic have his own blog too, but too bad, none of his work are uploaded there, maybe because of the copyright by LEGO. For those who have the new Pirates set will found his work at the back of the instructions book or instructions booklet. Anyway here is a piece of artwork from him:

Here's the link to the artist blog:

Image from davidwhiteillustration blog.


  1. Hi Boris. Thanks for the link! I just saw a newer post on your blog that said you can download the comic from the website. I didn't know that! It looks like they omitted 2 pages of comics that I made :( I wonder why they didn't use all of them???

  2. You are welcome David. I just know that during the launch of the pirates site. Nice comic though and like you say, I wonder why they didn't put up all the comic too.
