Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Pirates Theme is making a comeback in 2009!

After years of waiting, at last Pirates theme is making a comeback.

There will be 8 sets for Pirates theme next year, but I'm not sure when they will be release. Most probably the first half of 2009.

Out of the 8 sets, 2 sets will be Impulse set (set with few pieces and a minifigs), and this is a good news for army builder. The Impulse set features, an Imperial Soldier with a gun rack and Pirates with its fire (which looks kinda lame to me if compare to the Imperial Soldier impulse) while of the sets is like creative building set and yes, it comes with a minifigs.

I bet many people will throw their old Pirates set up in auction website for sales. Hopefully to make more profit before the new sets are coming out and they earn little profit.

On the other hand, CITY theme will mostly focus on construction theme and farm theme.
Anyway, it will have a Chef impulse set and a minifigs pack. Nice~

No pictures will be posted until the sets are officially announced or release.

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