Saturday, October 18, 2008

Pictures of 2009 Pirates theme

There are finally a clearer pictures for this theme. So here are the pictures that will enable you guys to decide and your opinion about the set.

#6239 Cannon Battle
(New fire piece I saw, look at the torch)

#6240 Kraken Attackin'

#6241 Loot Island

#6242 Soldiers' Fort

#6243 Brickbeard's Bounty
(Beware of the shark! Just because it can't harm you doesn't means it can't hurt your minifigs)
This kind of shark is bigger and you can put you minifigs inside.

Here's the two Pirates Impulse set. It seems like the Imperial Soldier impulse looks better compare to the Pirate impulse. I suppose army builder will be very happy to see both of this sets in stores.

#8396 Soldier's Arsenal

#8397 Pirate Survival

While below is the picture of the shipwreck. The shipwreck includes you a female pirates minifig that I shown in previous blog. So it has a new minifig that is not release before and judging from the picture it includes us 6 minifigs including the skeleton.

#6253 Shipwreck Hideout

All of the sets looks good to me, but too bad my wallet has it's limit already. T T

For those who wanted to know the price refer back to the previous post and estimate the price by yourself as they were in Euro.

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